Extending The Branch: Israel’s Jews and Arabs Forge Meaningful Relationships

Yuval Ben-Ami, the son of an Israeli army spokesman, and Husam Jubran, who spent a year in a wheelchair as a teen after being shot by Israeli soldiers, are friends. The two share Israeli and Palestinian perspectives with tourists traveling Israel by tour bus. Theirs is just one of the compelling and often complicated stories that have been told by The Branch, a podcast presented by Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organi...

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One Synagogue’s Work to Break the Chains of Bondage

In a few short weeks, we will gather around seder tables with family and friends to retell our story of freedom from slavery—a story that has shaped our Jewish community, consciousness, and values for generations. However, there are still millions of people who have no such story of deliverance because slavery is unfortunately still part of their everyday reality. The International Labor Organization reports that 21 m...

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Purim and Passover’s Heroines Still Inspire

One of the greatest Jewish women in modern history, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, co-wrote a reflection with Rabbi Lauren Holzblatt of Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. a few years back. It was about the heroic and visionary women of Passover and how their stories still inspire. “Retelling the heroic stories of Yocheved, Shifra, Puah, Miriam, and Batya reminds our daughters that with vision a...

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Insight, Intrigue, and Meaning: These Award-Winning Picks Have It All

Light readers beware. This diverse list of our 10 picks from the winners of the 69th National Jewish Book Awards is packed with insight, intrigue, and deep meaning about Jewish life. The Jewish Book Council carefully selected a wide variety of personal and historic tales that will leave you thinking about the characters long after the pages have been turned. Whichever of these 10 award-winning novels you choose, you w...

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Bringing “My Jewish Mommy Life” to Life

Marion Haberman When Marion Haberman was pregnant with her first child, like most new moms, she searched the Internet for advice. Marion learned how to choose a baby name, and how to design a nursery, but what stood out to her was there are very few Jewish mommy YouTubers. "When I was trying to plan the bris for my son when he was born, I struggled with finding information that someone other than a rabbi might tell...

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